qDot Speaking at DorkBotSF Tomorrow
So I'm all about short notice speaking engagements these days!
I'm speaking tomorrow night as part of a rather impromptu Dorkbot at the Porn Palace here in SF. Who knows, maybe I'll finally get to meet the kink.com/fuckingmachines people. At which point, the universe will implode on itself.
Anyways, info:
Dorkbot SF
Wednesday, May 23, 2007(7:30 PM)
The Porn Palace
415 Jessie Street
San Francisco
To cap off this weekend's craziness and take advantage of
maker faire folks in town being here to party with us,
and due to popular request, we're doing an impromptu
dorkbot this wed.!
Violet Blue - Pain Boys and Electro-Stim Interview with Kyle Machulis
Monochrom - and their latest projects
Shifz - Cocktail Robotics
Team Unicorn (amy jenkins, liisa pine, wendi flybutter) - Triumph of Chastity the Legend of the Unicorn
Amy's flickr set
Kyle Machulis (qDot) - his latest projects
Guest MC and Host Jacob Appelbaum
FREE ADMISSION but donations are highly encouraged. All proceeds will go to the San Francisco Crisis Center
For full details, including attendance, visit: